Pastor, Dr. Walter Sims, Celebrates 25 Years at Sweet Bethel
Sweet Bethel was happy to celebrate their pastor, Dr. Sims, for being their leader for 25 years. Dr. Sims was asked how has he been able to stay in leadership at one church for 25 years. “I, first of all, want to thank God for allowing me the opportunity to lead such a great group of people. We have had a lot of ups and we have had our share of downs but it has been a great journey. I would also like to add that I decided 25 years ago to love the people in my congregation. Being a leader is not about being a dictator but being a servant leader. I have had to do a great deal of things at Sweet Bethel that may not have been in my job description as a pastor but definitely in the job description of being a servant. One of my secret weapons is that I grew up the son of a preacher/pastor and I saw my father lead a congregation for 46 years prior to his death. He led with a firm conviction of his love for God and love of people. He was committed and convicted and very compassionate. I took notes of how he led and made it a point to be such a leader with my congregation. I trust that we will continue to grow together as pastor and followship. I have told my congregation on several occasions that I am no better a pastor than they are followers.”
Dr. Sims has been a great example to our members of how to love God and live a spiritual life. We pray that God will continue to bless him with more opportunities to expand the ministry and our fellowship. As Dr. Sims says all the time, If you stay high on life, life will stay high on you.