The Liberty Legacy Foundation awards the Super Citizen Hero award to persons that are voted upon by the elementary students that are part of their Super Citizen Program for the current school year. A’tesiyah Swain and her classmates at Grandview Elementary School and their teacher, Mrs. Farias Hope, selected Dr. Walter Sims as their hero to receive the Super Citizen Hero Award for his mentorship program entitled Build Better Character during their 5th grade school year. This award is presented during the Super Citizen Program.graduation ceremony.
Out of the mouths of babes, A’tesiyah said, “Dr.Sims is the best for our Liberty Legacy
Superhero Citizen Hero award because he’s a great Life coach who is determined and reliable. First, he’s a great life coach because almost every Thursday he comes and talks to our class about important words such as consistency, commitment, and conviction. He taught us consistency is doing something positive and good over and over again. He also gives us homework and makes us take notes in our notebooks.
Next, Dr.Sims is definitely determined because he never gave up on us or himself because he said when he accepted God back in his life, he does everything with a positive attitude.
Lastly , he’s a reliable person. We can depend on Dr. Sims to be there to support us in all we do.
I couldn’t wait until this day to recognize this
outstanding and important person who is our mentor and lifecoach, Dr.Sims.”
Dr. Sims is a professional speaker and a relationship, spiritual lifecoach. He holds a Master of Ministry degree, a Doctorate of Divinity degree, as well as a professional life coach certification. He believes it is never too early to begin personal development. Thus, the inspiration to mentor 5th graders on how to build better character at their age.