Us folks that are in the service industry have a common ailment….it’s called burnout! We give and give and give and give and give until the well runs dry. This is called burnout. How do you avoid burnout Dr. Sims? I am so so so glad you asked me this question.

My recipe is quite simple. 1) Understand selfcare is not selfish 2) REST 3) Diet and water, and 4) PLAY. I coach people to do this four things that I have outlined. You would think people would know to do this. Well you check off the list….how well do you do these four things that I listed. That’s what I thought…LOL!!!

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You have to put your mask on first if the cabin drops inside an airplane. I know you love to go and go and go and go and help and help and help and help. Remember, if you do not take care of YOU, you will be no good to those you are suppose to serve. Are you on the verge of burnout? How are you dealing with it?

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