Dr. Sims has been a spiritual leader for over 20 years. He has a Master’s of Ministry degree; a Doctorate of Divinity degree ; and is certified in the expertise of coaching.
Additionally, Dr. Sims holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering, he is a published author and is a dynamic leader who is reknown nationally.
He has coached several highly respected life coaches. Also, he has ministered to thousands of people. His motto is, “You have to live it..to know it…to teach it… and to coach it”!
My motivation is to help you visualize that where you want to be is only going to take some coaching on my part and some determination on your part. You may either want to:
Often times individuals may simply need an ear, someone to open up to without feeling judged or condemned because of life’s journey. Whatever the case, I can help!!
Have you ever been lost and someone simply pointed out the turn you should have made? I can help!! I am your Minister of Motivation who will help motivate you to fulfil your life’s purpose and destiny!
I must add that I am excited about your potential. Since you found your way to this website, I know that you are looking for more in your life. I know you are special…you are unique…and you are on the verge of a breakthrough. With my help, you will be on your road to your success sooner than you think. I look forward to helping you navigate through life’s journey. Give us a call today to make a fresh start 1-205-225-9757.