Are You Ready For Some Spiritual Spring Cleaning?

Are you tired of sabotaging your relationships? Are you tired of ending up in the same place with every relationship? Are you tired of toxic relationships?  Are you ready for some spiritual spring cleaning? Are you ready for a shift in all…

Are You Ready To Gamble on YOU?

This past Sunday was Super Bowl 51.  It pitted two totally different teams against each other.  The methodical New England Patriots and the high powered offense of the Atlanta Falcons. The odds makers listed the Patriots a three point favorite.…

Are You Living Your Best Life NOW?

Haven't you wasted enough time trying to figure out why you are here?  Watch this trailer of a forum I just did here in Dothan, AL. Do you have a lifecoach?  Do you need someone to help you see where you have gotten offtrack? …


Are you ready to help people take their life to the next level? Are you ready to Coach people into their greatness?  Are you ready to help people realize their purpose? Are you ready to help people push through fear? Yes?! Here are three…

Battling the Spirit of Perfectionism

Living on Purpose Does not Mean You Are Perfect Are you guilty of sabotaging living on purpose by being overcome by the spirit of perfectionism - always seeking perfection as the product of your actions. Perfectionism, in the guise of the right…

Your Plan Didn’t Work Out: Now What?

If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here Check this out on Chirbit The fact is, everything we envision and plan for, does not always have the expected outcome. What do you do when either the plan unravels…

What Is Success as an LOP Superhero?

True Success Is Living on Purpose I know you have seriously considered the meaning of true success, especially when the challenges of life may make you feel incomplete, maybe even make you feel like a failure. True success is wrapped in the…

Don’t Let Fear Stop You from Living on Purpose

Fear is a powerful emotion, so powerful that it can topple any Live on Purpose (LOP) Superhero. Is fear keeping you from being an LOP Superhero? (See my previous blog where I discuss LOP Superheroes.) However, as debilitating as it can be, you…

The Benefits of Living Life on Purpose

There is something about human nature that makes you feel incomplete if you don’t have a purpose in life - a reason to get up in the morning. Generally, your purpose will be different from mine, and at times, your purpose may be different…

What Lies On the Other Side of Your Yes?

In our conversations with God, we often turn to Him for guidance in either a challenge or even the course of action to take when we are presented with opportunities. It is crucial to understand that God does not bless you with an answer in a…