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How Do I Combat The Fear of The Corona Virus?

As a faith community, what’s really the pandemic…. #COVID19 or our lack of faith? It amazes me how much we PREACH about our faith in God; but every time something happens, we panic!! If we lose our heart, our voice, what will those do that don’t walk with God as we claim we do. Have […]

How Has Your Year Gone So Far?

This is an excerpt from my #Facebook Live today.  I was getting ready to talk at The Dothan Area Chamber of Commerce.  I discussed how has your year gone so far.  Have you had some setbacks and/or disappointments?  The true definition of success is not only how well you perform but how well you recover […]

The #1 Thing You Can Do To Give You A Chance

People always talk about having an edge. Well, do you know the #1 way to make sure you give you a chance to be successful. That is simply showing up. 80% of the battle is won when you simply show up. Showing up let’s the Universe know you are serious about that thing you are […]

How To Avoid Burnout?

Us folks that are in the service industry have a common ailment….it’s called burnout! We give and give and give and give and give until the well runs dry. This is called burnout. How do you avoid burnout Dr. Sims? I am so so so glad you asked me this question. My recipe is quite […]

#beYou Challenge

Hey guys, I have started a new challenge for my new time for The Motivation Zone and it’s called The #beYou Challenge.  I will be broadcasting LIVE daily at 12N on FB Live.  What is the #beYou Challenge Dr. Sims?  I am so glad you asked. There is no one just like you. You are […]

When Your Get Up And Go Has Gotten Up And Gone

What do you do when you sit at the edge of your bed and the thought of getting up leaves you breathless? And I don’t mean in a good, exciting way. No, your thoughts are conflicted and jumbled, spinning around in your head and you feel stymied and stuck. Low energy threatens to wash over […]